19 Mayıs 2008 Pazartesi



Capital is working for passion and reflects through channels. We need different styles and meanings for community

Some samples need to define new dictionary

A-Pi Effect, we say cycle different levels to define pipe and data levels for inner projects. You know, there are a lot of segments to build handler. We know that effects produces hypothesis for beauty as earning. Also we must give predicate for directives. We may like inner cubic systems so that we have take off points to produce cycle.

If we know our PI effect, we can design our cycle easily; we can connect all points to draw schemas. For example, if you have NEXT proposal on your hand, you can have a smart tag to get new cycle capacity. Also you may have USAGE to get money from environment.

B-Go Ahead, we have continuous relations in CULTURE. We must accept that we are learning some WORDS. If we CAN define LIE, you can extend and add new VIRTUAL SYSTEMS for folks. If you gave WE proposal on your pocket, let me go ahead to new club and discover BEAUTY (Earnings).

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