2 Aralık 2007 Pazar

Official Web Site

I designed web site www.orhunproject.com to define communication rules.
Also we can discuss different channels to take new windows for New Century.

20 Nisan 2007 Cuma



Sample 1

For Uni Language

We are saying is soyleriz X is out of order

Said that HEARTH

Sample 2

For model query

Every X includes sub set i.e. attributes and also manageable elements and time sectors and binoculars for mirrors and slowly brain for men direct truth for organization memory.

  1. Define model
  2. Show me attributes
  3. Show me position location
  4. What is time definition
  5. Multi location multi process
  6. What is tags
  7. How can we embed this system as The Word
  8. Define layers and inner relations
  9. Where is rose and nightingale? Show me!

Sample 3

For Tags

Tag manager and sub systems are valid in manner time set that is pipe thru life and windows. How can we go out in mirror session? Can we set mirror and attributes in time cell to expand life sessions?



We are clouts over cloud

We are saying orders h m

We are inner truth

We are phoneme in epic

We are on high way from to

We are universe

We are nothing

We are mirrors

We told

We are teller and continue process from one layer to other without any limitation.


Closed Sets

Every model includes closed sets to investigate or improve feeling brain and other environmental factors thru .NET environment. But we have different techniques to solve these sets and explain these sets for user forms groups.

  1. Direct truth that investigate sets and sub systems for any operations thru inner life
  2. Slowly brain that use brain activities to explain every one thing think pad material philosophy
  3. Feeling that includes windows keys universe that shadows

We are phoneme that includes epic to see binoculars.


Objectives and Attributes

Covered elements are saying “system built and went to target”. But we wonder how and why? We are developing positions to understand actions and events to research events of methods after awake. So we need different position and culture and organization culture to solve sample problems in acceptable period and cycle that contains order and refuse subsystem. Everything is okay well but refuse is set to negative order is set to positive to improve attributes in mirror like dark and daylight. What is difference? Order!

We said that objectives are relations and ticket from one layer to other layer with mirror. But we don’t know process of this sequence. We can imagine about it. Maybe a dream maybe a life period maybe a truth maybe travels.

Un-United Fedarated Languages

Uni Language

We are ready to understand language procedures for this options and actions. We can say that everyone can see all things and every approach for new communication layers. We can imagine that we have new layer to understand mum language like feeling and hearing. In other words, we have a new serious communication platform for dialogs and messaging sub systems. We need such a layer to improve organization memory for advanced mode. Any section signs intersection end events to go where we want. As a result, we can use critical path methods to go end point and develop alternative suggestions for movement and other elements.

Verified Control Systems For Cultures

Verify and Integrate Culture

We say that we can manage every actions and enhanced sections using environmental options. We can manage everyone acts system cycle in management systems. Central organizations cover elements and factors thru every actions or truth. Also we can manage that new life sectors with control systems using with phrase. But we can’t see everything, so everyone (we) need personal consoles to integrate verify sets and rules. We can be bee with personal operators and managers using coaches. We can tell different layers and effect for specific operations. Personal consoles are writing and reading elements to pass enhanced section and general culture phase. We might see definitive and control procedures in personal windows to understand our system.

Leaders For Epics

Obtaining Leaders for Relation and Attributes for any time

Well, we need “told” figures. That’s right but we need humans to convert from dot to society or reverse feedback. They are leaders coaches’ advisors teacher trainer depends on capacity planning for any culture any community and request. How we’ll have them how will manage them, classic reading and writing very power methods to tell ideas and convert from some culture to other culture. Strategy is very important for these changing actions. We need simplify methods or masked options to manage every conversation in structure. But time is not enough and cost is very high for this action to reach our gold age. Yes, we have a new limit to pass destination point.

In this point, we have Internet 3 project to reach our anonymous aims. But this is very high and contains complex tasks to see and feel environment. We can’t give detail information. But Internet 3 is fast real convert power figures and effects also mirrors and enhanced section. All of them are The Word for step 1.

We are caller and effect manager for Internet 3 and other versions to improve quality of life.

Last word if it is possible can be manageable.

our roadmap for extended

Develop model

This model is any sample to explain multi model environment for specific reasons. So, if any need, we can inform detail information system implementing rules for generic commercial or non commercial purposes. In fact model is culture to understand enhanced section model is our life.

“Told” Poems

We need teller messenger to understand our life systems. But we can’t find or can’t reach sources for this. Also we use classic tell systems like mother teacher etc. But we spent very long time to earn some rhythmic songs to develop quality of life. Our closed culture or education systems stop our inner life area. We can’t understand other object attributes or life structures. We say that everything is ready to go on and convert to some one to bee for any reason for any time.

But “told” is different is explain source of light and also mirrors and attributes for long time period for new age. We can imagine traffic sign in high way is possible to reach origin end every step without any problem. In classic approach a sign has a single attribute but now is mixer from to dot with under shadow and window that stop limitations.

Nowadays, we are intelligent an application to explore our systems without any problems is limited by author. But we can have organization memory and new environment to query any request that signs rules for positive models.

To improve our “told” figures, we must study very hard to have life areas in new environment mixed by Mr. Dot. Obviously, everybody knows that Mr. Dot only a figure in WITH a BY environment. But firstly, we must understand Mr. Dot and manage it if we can if we have a model if we have culture if have truth if have poem if songs. Let’s stop and check environment for real actions.

Self Training

Training is important to educate some important figures thru inter culture operations. As you know, everyone every organization need vertical and horizontal relations and attributes thru quality of life. We need more people more resources more elements to improve our inner life and environment family animal house etc. Paradox and solution is here self motivation to improve quality of life. For this, we can learn earn work etc.

Communication and also transport is very low and fast and nice thru country inter country. It means that different sources and attributes to understand how we’ll develop our life for settings in a nice environment. Today e-learning yields human society and education systems. This primitive structure must be developed using inter culture rules and attributes using uni language syntax to communicate different persons and attributes so that everyone finds detail information to improve our quality.

Modeli nges for' us . edevelop thé red apple

Model Tasks,

  1. Understanding feeling training
  2. Obtain “told”
  3. Decide “how”
  4. Analyses cultures
  5. Check That’s all Time Theory
  6. Define rules and attributes
  7. Verify Integration Section
  8. Build Organization Memory
  9. Implement the model

This model implemented(ing) and controlled(ing) by JST-F.High-Tech.


Education Model 1 “Ayfer GOK” for multi culture 6-14 age

Mission, to understand sample model for educational purposes multi time and multi culture


  1. Decide communication channels for now classic Internet 1
  2. Decide cultures for now Europe and Turkey
  3. Decide society for now PUBLIC BLOG EFFECTS
  4. Decide schools
  5. Decide equipments to implement project
  6. Build organization to implement the project
  7. Define tasks and roles for this project
  8. Assign person or groups for these tasks
  9. Develop model
  10. Implement model

Organization is built by OMER high tech center.

Organization Epics

Expecting of Models for New Age

Models are too difficult and not understandable for some organizations and maybe too much expensive to use efficiently. But somebody must develop models somebody must give training somebody implement them somebody use them efficiently. Problem is “Who & How”. How can any model be anonymous in our The World? How can we use low cost and efficiently? Main principle is to create enhanced section for any action or effects to live and save for organization memory.

Most of problems are interested in environment we need but we can’t control them because of human weakness. Is it right? NO, that’s wrong environment are compatible The Word using With a BY that covers and converts life and feeling in any(t) time. That accepts our controls and order but we don’t know.

We are alive environment and we need different organizations for KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATIONS. Also we need different communication channels for any purposes to support our criterion for save and forward and improve life layers may be for passing with a ship from one to other.

Models must be feasible and usable and also understandable for any culture or organizations so we must have “told” section and “net. Coaching” elements in set of model sequence.

First communication channel classic Internet and GSM is to design our models and improve quality of life in enhanced sections.

Understanding Models Layers for Time Pipeline's

Understanding Models

Okay, we saw letter and word. Let’s have a different steps to explain our Orhun epic, I hope that you are not boring, if you don’t understand nothing, don’t worry that is very normal because of culture and brain can’t reach this level but I’m sure that your feeling can reach this level if you have acceptance (or want to see your dream) for “Data or Truth”.

We believe that everyone is ant or bee in life period sometimes bee sometimes ant, i.e. can feel or can’t. What is rule? Reality or truth is first key or nothing. Where are we? Who are we? Did you think? Can you explain these lyric poems for any time for any condition? Don’t panic. We have channels for environment that is to embrace our effect for saving and forward systems that are compatible our mission is to go outer target life systems which are “told” and “net coach based” phoneme.

Models are compatible with science and feeling that is unknown for now but we can understand and use with mirror techniques that are compatible letter and word for any bee time periods during daylight.

Models are different steps for different cultures for any time period because of absorb problem that are break points position points finance education expecting game layer etc. So we don’t have definite models but we can give sample model called “Ayfer GOK” to improve education layer for different cultures to understand some approaches for new age to start self motivation in different countries using societies like Inter Culture Organizations.

News E.Line and .

New Letter to Community

Our aim is to understand events and effects thru channels with any actions like life sequence time sets that easy understand dot effects in our sequence life for any time any organization. Structures and events are points to improve actions and consequence movement and like that lights and theory of memorandum any approach for new acted sectors. We believe that, if any, living and continuous theorem signs any life sectors any activate any time period any data pipe that contains With a BY and creating and reengineering methods which are fundamental attributes that covers our perspective is make up our sector based model for quality of live, is a walker and “told” civil organization by using net coaching and multi agent multiple intelligences that covers quality of life for base theorem.

We must understand living and actions for any effect that are compatible for time oriented actions for specific purposes like mirror and daylight that converts effects forms like white red apple human nice bad honest enemy friend etc which are compatible The Word is filling our perspective and think type for channels and corners.

We need a new glance for reading and writing and also training that is making up for new goals and expecting structures any star and moon that is idol for human community to understand and explain like “h m” or sequence of word or movement using effects with suddenly or slowly action purposes for The Word i.e. newly “Ayfer GOK” education model to control and test or pass an(y)t channel without any problem using layer attributes and also effects with new high tech obtain leaders any culture or organization or philosophy to see nothing or using cars, ships, planes to go end points.

Th`"é Wor'ds

Understanding The Word

We are power synergy that tells everything that we need and explain sequence or situation or base settings thru .Net Windows. We are preparing “told” actions to convert the cultures from origin to end using high tech centers. Using mirror techniques and effects, we can define new and fast grow organizations to develop our technology and organizations. Mirror and shadows are unique elements to develop conditions and panels in .NET environment. We are de facto elements to get better every action in our inter systems and relations like alphabet organizations. You know any letter can’t be mean attribute, but we can use a lot of elements in space and better mission in our strategic solutions like investigating computer based processes such as training.

What is Word? I hear this question. But culture is problem to define The Word and understand anonymous epic like Internet. Shortly, “Think different” to understand attributes and mirrors thru effects to cover closed mumble Internet in away or long/near distance in United Word organizations.

Elements and factors are important to explore our cultures and lyric poems. We are poet and tell all of ideas thru NET canals to affect our citizens, organizations and communities for conceit mirror and keys. Communication sets and position location (concept) are fundamental characters for definitions.

Actors And Understandings

New Rules for Any Action

In management, we can tell new operations easily, and convert actions in sequence time stamp. But model environments are complex and mumble for any culture. So we must define and inform detail information about our ideas using examples, samples that contain signs and culture sub systems. We can put in the picture all actions for any bird style. We have options suddenly and immediately movement for any sub system and come near end culture thru any process. We say timeless and suddenly reached truth in any action. We may pass from open window to truth in WITH a BY environment.

So we can define new samples to tell these ideas thru real actions. We can say that all contacts are same structure. But some details that are effects thru cycle might be different from origin to end. All-purpose rules say that all actions may be same but we don’t know why .

We are infinitive perspectives for any actions that act community and citizen so that we can have new dreams for all over the world set. But we must set our clock for any subjects and locks inner test.

Definition For Base Cycle


We have a new definition and also organization model to success general operations and events to catch phase’s rules actions relations that is affected any model, a worker that is “told” workers, heavy process that can be manageable and are alive in inner and outer section without any affect.

Definition phases are alive and can be stable in any action or organization thru New Harmony. We can have new roads to go target and to support any conditions to balance section actions.

Manager Section For Bases

Management Models

We are key makers and coach for every condition to develop “told” section in future trends. We are researcher advanced brain and multiple intelligences. We had math, different science and data forest to understand also manage models. But we can’t have any effects and we don’t know solve sections. Solver and elemental phases are important to continue stages.

Keys and pieces of data are solver and defined rule based actions. Integrated environments and rules are basically to improve solutions and event triggers to complement tasks and response for aid hack-relations. In fact, we have hack actions to understand our environment or relations from citizen life form to community brain.

We can delegate community structure to understand responses and relations for every actor in phoneme “dot “. But everybody sees only one actor and can define only this. But we have a lot of actors and actions in base environment. We can investigate base environment and can define new models for organizations community and persons to improve quality of life.

We can define new sets of models to understand new culture for new age. In new age, science and relations actions are fundamental keys to pick up tags and signers for shadowed areas. We must suppose new positions to search out conclusion in elicit sectors. We are checked and continue objects form for any effect and later bindings. We want to understand high tech options in living and by dot phase to acquire out data forest management.

Usages For LifeTime Usage

Time Usage

We have check list to see all of actions and .environment in book actions. Magical culture are very important to understand time areas and effects society community behaviors. If we have time usage we can develop new roles and policies and organizations to understand knowledge based actions and management in our areas.

Fruits~ for O^utside inner's Bridé`

That’s all Time Theory

We had effects we don’t know “why”? We investigate and have efforts to try (.) question in outer and also inner space and life areas in our environment. But we know that we had no idea about it. We have problems to check these elements because they are out of effected sections ant we are losing all of them and also we can’t control them. But we know that we base and we can see and develop any model for to catch keys. Our real destination is to catch key and manage all of them in our time theory. Keys are layers and time sequence thru enhanced section in inner shadowed and go on & forget options.

Time Effects For Data.Continent

Time Effects

We are developing Internet environment and we are expecting to use life quality and new age using knowledge actions. But we can’t control this environment. We can’t use this environment efficiently. But we accept that if we use this environment more efficient w can have more performance more power more quality etc. We can develop Internet effects using time effects. In a manner, shortly, we know that a lot of people can use same environment easily. Data is independent and money people can request information from same equipment so that we pump forest thru boost sections using windows and key catcher and layers. I mean we can manage and contain piece of tags in inner life cycle using Internet.

Model Effects For INTERCULTURE

Model Effects

Models are very important to understand organizations and relations of time sequence of elements thru interactive sets. Popular environments and styles in our inner time oriented section are very important to enhance our styles and life steps and decision cubes. If we can use “the&the” effects in related environment with section, then our life and quality of objects can be understandable in our water sense. Using water sense, we can offer some points to define our decisions and to improve our effected things.

Effects are very important to see our keys and makers and policies and strategies. In our windowed environment, we can use new carriers to solve our affect and effected rules to improve our judge signers. We can have teller and co-informs to define life environment.

We are alive because we had signers and markers thru windows and life cycle and shadowed effects. We have inner life area thru mind and brain in our sections. But we need enhanced section to understand and to decide where to and what to do and why to unaffected time and opportunities, ideas, dreams and also for, thru effects in shadowed in wake up so that to change our stand up points and sections from inner to out doors. These effects and strategies are definitive rules to stop and go operations. How can we decide stop and go and continues in a action and also why? In fact, maybe also definitely really we might know for these reasons but we can’t know effect from inner to outer thru windowed environment to enhance our inter sections using life, date, data, time etc with a by(.). Really we must have knowledge and also model to define and understand our areas in enhanced. Effects are also to understand replication or light isolation thru windowed gates.



Mission, to design and implement Enhanced Section’s and Windows (ENH) thru Internet and knowledge actions proposal in WITH a BY environment

PROJECTS are NEW ENGLISH to cover cultural effects between epics and songs

We can deploy life of systems under rules and articles and terms to see magic of sophistic complex ideas.

Development Phases and Understanding New Approaches

Hint, we want to see your and other friends’ effort in thru project(s). We need different styles and explore in thru mission complement. We wrote a new enhanced application window to see truth.

We are designing our project styles and stand up and runner up points and also inter section for different layers using windows lights to understand WITH a BY. In fact we are researcher workers to understand layers and effects in our environments. We have a lot of inform tree and forest(s) in our regular life. But we can’t understand this life and effects easily. We need “told” section in our inner cycle and outer windows. But we don’t have any interrupts and definition language or element and caller effects and also community rules, top discipline in our rule and decision services. But we had a new “told” element, phoneme called “Internet” to start new age, if it had disciplined in WITH a BY.

Quality Measurement Techniques


  1. We said that we told different techniques in some paragraphs. This telling is based on feeling not brain based because some knowledge is not available for brain. In fact, if your culture and position location is okay you can understand in brain layer easily.
  2. Aim is to enhance our environment to understand our life to develop and implement new philosophy to improve science and knowledge windows.
  3. Philosophy is to tell environment and life. Also main improvement point is to develop science and cultures to enhance our steps.
  4. We have education center and trainers to pump our ideas like ISO 9001. We have trainers to improve and to be compatible your projects with our project. Also we have certification and control center to check your project development.
  5. It depends on requirement on organization population. In fact we can develop from government to community, international and national company.
  6. We are preparing migration plans for different scenarios for any culture. We need help for this. If you send your feedback we can enhance our scenarios for you.
  7. Difference is on very high point and very thin. We can’t understand easily. We must look down on difference points.

· Total quality management(TQM) is inner cycle new economy(NE) is for inter community Orhun is for cultures and perspectives

· TQM is procedures and feedbacks NE is communication rules Orhun is net coaching and leaders

· TQM is science NE is phase Orhun is philosophy

· TQM is data NE is pump Orhun is converter and personal consoles

· Orhun is extended bridge for phonemes also defines borders LIMITS cycle for red APPLE or fruit

  1. Of course, yes. We want to see your effort every time. We are either ant or bee in the project. If we are wrong or can’t reach target, you will show right way to continue.

Questions Framework For Our Phoneme


  1. We don’t understand anything. Why?
  2. What is your aim?
  3. What is meaning new philosophy?
  4. How will your project affect our Internet projects?
  5. What is your estimated cost to develop any commercial model for any organization or company?
  6. How will we embed your culture to our inner systems?
  7. What is difference total quality management, new economy and Orhun?
  8. Can we do any task for step in Orhun? How can we effort in this project?


As you know, Internet and computer based projects are very difficult and high expensive projects because of time unexpected situations and human based factors. We decided to write a draft about new approaches for 10 years long. We spent very much time and a lot of people worked to implement this draft. Our aim is to show complexity and solutions for new knowledge century. We used different techniques to tell ideas about our concept and organization culture. We know that that is mumble and not clear to tell ideas. But we can’t know any solution to tell in different way because of complexity of subjects.

We decided an explorer binocular to see our drafts. You know that different telling techniques are to explain ideas and approaches and position locations. We used different techniques together in this draft. In explain mode, we had a plain so that we saw different problems in same closed set. We want to show a model to start Internet 3 and related projects. We’ll enhance Internet 2 to pass Internet 3. We know that a lot of people and society and company are working very hard to improve .NET technologies. But knowledge is mumble we don’t know other doors and rooms in the house we don’t have any model we don’t know how we’ll control. Why? Problem is culture. We have only specific culture and we can’t expand to cover other cultures to enhance sections and quality (of life of environment of product of organization etc.).

Internet is no religion no pressure no time no location for any layers.

We want to have different life areas like American continent to improve quality for new environment.

We’ll have mumble continent to cover our life areas and culture. American continent is available only Americans but Internet is for The World to expand their culture and citizen and society and organizations.

Educational approach is very important to understand what we want to do. You know mom, family, school and environment are fundamental elements to go on our life cycle. But knowledge environment is fifth factors to learn truth. Problem is here. How will fifth action effect to human and other actions. We try to tell in “Model of Effects” and ““Told” Poems “ Also we told a education model called “Ayfer GOK” and gave an sample.

Our aim is to mix different cultures to enhance quality to understand environment to cover environment to educate members to obtain leaders and coaches to show different rooms and gates to understand model to develop models to implement models under knowledge roof.

We have new philosophy to mix cultures for knowledge century. We are containing to implement virtual environment for human and other factors like knowledge orders etc.

We started educational base projects for child members. Our aim is to show different cultures and effects in one closed set. We are insisting on to develop and implement sample model for kids. We have schools in Europe and Turkey to develop education model for any users.

Different position locations are valid in these projects so that to understand different perspectives to help team and organizations. Don’t worry. Our philosophy or “Orhun” culture is including all attributes and objects with their layers and also alternative paths to enhance sections.